By Katherine Roberts
There are very few endeavors in this world that can capture a person’s interest for a lifetime. Just like a much anticipated birthday present loses a child’s attention within a few days, (or even minutes), so the undertakings we most anticipate eventually lose their luster. It seems to be the norm in a fallen world. That is, until you come to the study of Scripture.
The Bible is Unique
The study of Scripture is altogether different from anything else you could possibly do. It is unique because of what Scripture is. Since it is inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is of a different quality than anything else you will encounter. As God’s authoritative revelation, it has the final say about what is true. It is also unique because of what it can do. Rather than being a book that you read for information, it is intended to radically change you. In fact, understanding and believing its message results in your resurrection from spiritual death to life.
And it is unique because of the content of its subject matter: The gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that all of Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments, witnesses to him, specifically to his death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. (Lk. 24:45-47) This is the good news that God has proclaimed in all of Scripture and it is the message that is able to transform you and others.
Yes, there is nothing like the study of Scripture.
However, rightly understanding the Bible does not always come easily. It may be relatively simple to see how a passage points to Jesus when Paul writes in a New Testament epistle, “For while we were still helpless, Christ died for the ungodly.” (Rom. 5:6) But what about the Old Testament? What about the stories of people from ancient culture, far removed from your own experiences? What about the pages and pages of instructions on how to construct a tabernacle in the wilderness? What about the long lists of laws? What do those things have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ? How do those texts radically transform you and others?
The truth is that they have everything to do with Jesus and they are applicable to your life today. But, it does take careful exegesis and an understanding of the entire story of redemptive history to legitimately get there. And providing training that enables women to do that – either as beginners who want to learn or as experienced teachers who want to grow – is what the Verity Fellowship is all about.
The Verity Fellowship’s Fall Conference
The Verity Fellowship is a ministry of Western Seminary that exists to equip women to use the Bible well in their various ministry contexts. The goal is that the ministries in which these women are engaged will be even more centered on Jesus. To this end, we have three events each year that allow us to meet together and a blog that keeps us united between gatherings.
The next chance to join together to study the Scripture is happening at the Verity Fellowship Conference on October 7-8th. We want to warmly invite you to come and to ask you to invite the women you know who would benefit from this opportunity to join us.
Here’s what you can expect:
Mary Willson, who writes and speaks for the Gospel Coalition, is teaching on God’s grace in Deuteronomy. As an Old Testament scholar, she is particularly gifted to show how Deuteronomy points to Christ. Her teaching will both minister the gospel to the women who attend and will show them how she does it. As a woman gifted in exposition, her teaching is not dry, but full of the life-giving power of the gospel that will apply directly to the lives and ministries of the women who come.
We will also offer a choice between four different workshops. Although the topics vary, each one is designed to help women apply what they are learning to specific topics, such as seeing Christ in the Pentateuch or understanding redemptive history as a whole. These smaller settings allow for more practical teaching that can be taken back and utilized in ministry.
Finally, the time together will renew the hearts of the women who come, so that we are overflowing with the joy of our salvation once again. We do not want to walk away only with minds that have been filled with more knowledge; we want to walk away with knowledge that has transformed our hearts because we have encountered Christ. The teaching, along with worship and fellowship, will accomplish this by the power of the Spirit. This aspect is what will motivate us to minister the Bible to others out of love for Jesus and his people.
It really is true that nothing will ever be able to capture your interest for an entire lifetime like the study of Scripture. This is because it contains the good news about what Christ has done. Moreover, it is where Jesus meets you with his message of salvation by grace, on every page. He will never lose his luster. Come and meet with us at the Verity Fellowship Conference to study the Scripture together. There is nothing like it.
Register today at
Katie Roberts has taught women’s Bible studies for the past 12 years and has led women’s ministry at her church in Eugene for the past six. She is passionate about teaching the Bible to women, especially in the light of how all of Scripture points to Jesus. She finds great joy in seeing the Spirit transform her heart and the hearts of others as He reveals Christ in the gospel. Most of all, she longs for the return of Jesus when she will see His face and be made like Him. Katie earned her M.A. (Biblical and Theological Studies) from Western Seminary in April 2016.
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